Thanks for your interest in joining the Perth Modern Quilt Guild!

Please complete this form to apply for membership.

Our membership fees for the financial year (1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025)

Payment can be made via bank transfer. Please note, we no longer accept cash for membership fees at meetings.

Bank details: 
Perth Modern Quilt Guild
BSB: 036224
Account: 329707

** Please ensure your name is in the payment description and email to let us know when you have paid.

Please note, membership is not automatic as it requires:
  • your application to be approved by the PMQG committee
  • your annual membership fee to be received via direct deposit

Please feel free to contact for further information.

* indicates required
If you are applying for membership, two existing members must support your application. Enter their names here. If you don't know anyone, please come as a visitor to one of our meetings & ask about joining and we will be happy to help.

Perth Modern Quilt Guild will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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